Government sectors use to face the difficult task of handling a large number of semi-structured or unstructured procedures like resolving complaints, awarding grants, resolving disputes, investigating frauds, etc. These procedures, naturally are dynamic, content-intensive, and collaborative in nature. Somnetics’ Case Management Solution helps Government sectors to build dynamic collaboration across the stakeholders and exchange data seamlessly for quicker solutions to unexpected and unstructured scenarios. It aids more intelligent decision-making by mining into the implicit knowledge of people to come at optimized resolutions to the growing citizen requirements.
The Case Management Solution provides with simple drag-and-drop modeling for designing procedure stream and assign roles for each new case. With the in-flight procedure change capacity and advanced analytics, people when working on a specific case can determine the further best activities instead of following the predetermined arrangement.
How Case Management Solution is beneficial for Government Sector:
Complete inspections:
Cumulative case file interface eliminates warehouse and enables for simple access to documents, data, and reports for every new case, tasks, sub-heads, and their relationship, enabling for broad inspections.
Quicker case resolution:
Seamless exchange of data and improved collaboration across internal and external parties result in enhanced productivity and minimized case cycle time.
More intelligent decision making:
Dynamic stream with access to contextual data and ad-hoc case routing at the time of powerful analytics and decision procedure for giving basic information and trends allow knowledge workers for creating more informed decisions.
Enhanced on-demand citizen services:
Produce immediate and tailored solutions for addressing dynamic requests of citizens. Improve citizens service experience by enabling them for accessing every important piece of data and service via web portals and other mobile devices.
Better compliance:
Allow automated reporting to different agencies, capture comprehensive audit logs and trails, and handle federal reporting compliance through the rules of enforced data collection.
Ask for a demo of our Case Management Solutions:
These days, enterprises face the challenges of addressing grown expectations from businesses, citizens, staffs, and elected officials. Hence, there is an urgent requirement of efficiently managed emergent situations and offer more effective and quicker services but in the present condition, enterprises are adhered with legacy data systems and fail to have an enterprise-wide view of operations.
Thereby, the Case Management Solution with its dynamic capacities improves the experience of the citizens and addresses the ever-transforming needs that auditors, regulators, and litigants place on enterprises.
Somnetics’ Case Management Suite covers the following basic areas:
Incident Management:
Dispute Management, Complain Management, etc.
Service Request Management:
Customer Request Management, Grants Management, etc.
Investigate Case Management:
Parliamentary Query Processing, Audit Requests, etc.
Legal Case Management:
Court Case Management, Fraud Management, etc.
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Som Imaging Informatics Pvt. Ltd., branded as Somnetics, is an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 20000:1-2011 and CMMI Level 3 certified organization that offers enterprise-class, affordable, end to end solutions for business process management, imaging, document management, and information management. Somnetics is an organization which has its full technical division engaging research and development of enterprise-class solutions for large organizations and SMEs.
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