i-doc is an enterprise-grade content management solution with an integrated dynamic workflow manager. It works from server side and users can access the application through any standard supported browser. An i-doc server can work through LAN, WAN, private or public cloud. Users can work via a multitude of devices like desktop, laptop, tablets, and smart-phones while the server can run on either Linux or Windows.
An easy customization and easy-to-deploy solution make i-doc clutter-free and easy to handle user-interface. i-doc can handle most business contents like PDF, images, MS-Office files, CAD drawings. It can also handle any multimedia content such as audio and video.
As time passes by, i-doc has solved all types of business cases and grown with the organization. An organization always wants to leverage its key resources, and i-doc can do that with an ease. While providing an enterprise-grade content management solution with an integrated dynamic workflow manager is concerned, i-doc has reached the highest point. There is no doubt about it: becoming the toughest and reaching the highest point is always difficult.
When you are in difficulties to reach the highest point, think about a man – David Goggins.
It’s beyond reasonable doubt that David Goggins is the toughest man alive as of 2018. At least Guinness book of records says so. And real tough people agree about it. Goggins is the only member of the US Armed Forces to complete SEAL training, US Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training at a stretch. No one has done it before. Doing this is – simply put, ultra-spectacularly tough. He’s reached the highest point form his perspective. As long as enterprise-grade content management solution is concerned, i-doc has done something spectacular things that no solutions have done before.
Why i-doc is special? Before telling that, let us cut a long story short about David Goggins.
Goggins did complete 100 miles marathon in one day and that too without preparation. And to do that he almost killed himself. He did most push-ups in one day and created, again, the Guinness book of records. And thus, he became the toughest man in the world. He loves constantly challenging himself and he’s reached the extreme.
Now, the question is, how did he manage to do these ultra-spectacular-things?
You better listen to Goggins’ answer: ‘I have a purpose. Nothing else.’ He just wanted to raise funds for his dead colleagues’ families. He has been purposeful. So, remember the first rule. To become the toughest and to reach the highest peak, you must have a purpose.
The business processes should require the purposeful documents – for the same reasons.
As a business process your every document has one particular purpose. Because it’s gone through a workflow. And defining that purpose correctly makes you reach the highest bloom. There is a big difference between record and document. A record is not purposeful all the time. Most of the time, the purpose is either finished or dormant. But your document has the purpose. Always. It needs to go through a process to serve a specific purpose; and it usually starts from the beginning. It’s called the life-cycle of a document. And it’s executed through a workflow. Finally, it helps you reach the highest limit.
But there is a catch. Storing, managing and tracking those thousands of documents is not easy always. Especially when thousands of users get involved, it’s become a real challenge. Finally, as a business process, you must be able to keep a record of various versions created and modified by different types of users.
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Som Imaging Informatics Pvt. Ltd., branded as Somnetics, is an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 20000:1-2011 and CMMI Level 3 certified organization that offers enterprise-class, affordable, end to end solutions for business process management, imaging, document management, and information management. Somnetics is an organization which has its full technical division engaging research and development of enterprise-class solutions for large organizations and SMEs.
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